Behind the Scenes Coverage of
The Official Hercules and Xena Convention 2000

PAGE 4 of 6

There could be no doubt that the casting for Cleopatra 2525 was right on, when we premiered the debut episode and then brought on the lovely trio of stars. They were a knock-out: Jennifer, Victoria and Gina: wonderfully entertaining and giving guests for the convention, their new show is garnering excellent ratings right out of the box!

For many fans the most dramatic (and also tearful) moment of the weekend was the appearance of Kevin Sorbo and Michael Hurst on stage together. Their very first in the United States, loyal Hercules fans had come from all over the world to witness this moment: a thank you from both sides of the stage for the great work on the recently ending series. The affection these guys have for each other is indeed endearing. We spent a long time preparing a music video that we planned to show for the first time during their mutual appearance. We wanted to show memories of the past half decade and sum up how the audience felt about the two stars. When the lights dimmed and the video ran, we knew that our goal had been accomplished since many of the audience members, and both stars, had tears in their eyes. It was a great moment!

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