Updated: June 11, 2024

Our Email

The Road So Far... The Road Ahead Creation Convention - COLUMBUS, OH

This past weekend, was my first con. Have been an enormous fan for years, however, children and priorities had to come first. I should say, my first of MANY! My husband and I are already planning the next one.
Anyway, the reason I’m writing…this was the best weekend of my life! I do not have one negative thing to say! Every. Single. Creation person..was AMAZING, beyond kind and helpful! A special shout out to the girls that worked with the photographer. They were always smiling and sooo sweet and helpful!
Thank you for providing these special events!


The Road So Far... The Road Ahead Creation Convention - NEW JERSEY

Subject: Supernatural - New Jersey kudos to Misty, Irena, and your team!
This email originated from outside of Creation Entertainment. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
Great great great weekend Creation Entertainment! The events and weekend were amazing! Misty and Irena were top notch in helping my child and me. In fact, your whole team crushed it. Thank you so much!



Good Evening,
From the bottom of my heart, I simply want to say thank you for an amazing weekend at the Star Trek to San Francisco convention. This was our first time going, and you gave my daughter (she was the one on crutches) a safe place to be herself and geek out on her favorite subject.
I’d like to share her history with Star Trek - my mother has Alzheimer’s disease, and whenever my daughter went in to say goodnight, my Mom had Star Trek on her TV. Of the few things she still recognized, my mother remembered Kirk and Spock and even the Next Generation. My daughter was fascinated by what she saw.
So, in 2020, during the lockdown, my daughter (then 8) decided she would binge watch Star Trek from the very beginning all the way through the Next Generation. Needless to say, she was hooked. She knows all the episodes – give her the plot and she’ll tell you the title. My husband and I enjoyed Star Trek when we were younger, but seeing her passion for the show made us true fans. My husband and I joined her while she continued watching the other series.
Her favorite character is Seven of Nine, so needless to say this weekend was made even more special by the sincere kindness that Jeri Ryan showed her. She is having to navigate the age when children are made fun of for their hobbies and interests, and as I said to start, your event allowed her to embrace her love for everything Star Trek without ridicule.
We are hooked and we hope to see you again at future Star Trek conventions.
Fabulous job!
PS. Also, please pass along our sincere thank you to those working the floor, including Summer (who worked the photograph line). She was so patient with everyone considering being asked the same questions over and over again, and she was so friendly and kind to our daughter.

I’ve been going to Creation conventions for over 40 years. I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed the Burlingame/San Francisco convention.
There were many highlights, such as meeting Jeri Ryan, the Rat Pack concert, hearing Ande Kindryd talk about the old days on the Desilu lot. A special shoutout to the photo ops crew - they made calm out of chaos.
And how wonderful you’re returning next year!


Hello dear Sirs and Madams,
I am from Ukraine and since I was 12 yo in 1998 I have been watching and re-watching Xena: Warrior Princess.
Probably my letter is going to be lost among hundreds of others or simply deleted. Nevertheless I want to write to you to express my endless gratitude for everything you did and still are doing for XWP fans.
For thousands people in the world the importance of this show is hard to overestimate. And I am not the exception. The show basically raised me and formed me as a personality. I grew up having the best advice ever. When it was complicated to understand what to do in life, I have always relied on: "Do it like Xena." During all my life the show not only helped me to get through tough times, but not once literally saved my life. It has been my guiding star since I had watched it for the first time. I even had a dream when I was younger, that some day I could perhaps come to Australia and New Zealand to see the places or to meet a crew. But sadly life is life. Some things could be only dreams.
However since that first time show was always some kind of a part of me. I have rad probably all existing fanfics and watched videos:) And every time I watch videos or read any news about Xena Conventions, it always brings me back light and hope that people still remember and that something so important, which is so hard to find in our cruel world and so easy to lose, is still inside of them.
I can't say why I haven't written this letter before. Just now after watching a new video about future convention, something inside of my head clicked and I felt unbearable need to say words of gratitude to everyone who organizes such events and makes it possible all this time.
Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for everything that you already did and stiil doing. And please never stop doing it, cause it has impact on so many people across the whole world and saves so many souls, who thought to be completely lost.
Best wishes, -D


To those concerned...
I need to thank the entire Creation crew at the Nashville SPN event for their superior customer service and professionalism.
At 71 years old, with severe back and hip pain, causing me to be completely unable to stand or walk for any length of time, your staff rose to the occasion!!!. Never have I felt so supported at such a huge event.
Fortunately, an experienced Supernatual event goer advised me to seek out help from your staff and the ADA made my experience so much better.
Please, share my gratitude with your Nashville staffers and personally thank them for the kindness and care they extended me that made the whole event manageable for me. Because of them, you will be seeing me again next year.
Kind regards,


I wanted to take a moment to reach out to the Creation team to say thank you so much for the Lucifer Convention in NJ last weekend! It was my first convention and it was just an amazing experience. I thought it was organized quite well and I enjoyed every moment of it! Having now been to one Lucifer convention, I completely understand why people go to multiple Lucifer conventions!

I hope that Creation will give us another Lucifer Convention in 2024. If there is one, I know that I'll be there.

Thank you so much!


Thank you for another incredible experience this weekend at the Supernatural convention in East Brunswick. As always it was interactive and exciting, and the addition of the Roadhouse was a great move. All of the team members were extremely kind and helpful. The woman assisting with photo ops, I believe her name was Shelby, was especially outstanding. She remembered my boyfriend and I throughout the 16 photos we took this weekend. This small detail helped tie the experience together even more. We are already looking forward to next year. In fact, we don't know if we can wait that long! We're already looking into going to another convention sooner! Thank you again, Creation team. You are the best.

Kind regards,


I hope you are having a great (easy) day after this past weekend! I just wanted to write you to give you a big thank you for the experience this weekend. The set was gorgeous, the panels were amazing, and the cast members there were delightful. I was able to have actual conversations about the show and i met so many people who share the same enthusiasm for GoT. It was very special, personally. This was my first convention in general and i will without a doubt be attending the future events put on my your company! Thank you again, so much. Have a wonderful day.


To the Creation Team,
A HUGE thank you to everyone who was working the Supernatural Convention in Denver on September 18, 2022.
My husband is disabled and uses a mobility scooter. We had never been to a convention before and didn’t know what challenges we might encounter. Every Creation employee we interacted with was kind, professional, and attentive to my husband’s special needs. Crucially, no one gave the impression of being pitying or judgmental about his disability.
The employees seemed to anticipate our needs as if by magic! The women working the registration desk handled a last minute seating change so we could be in optimal seats to the side of the theater, which as a bonus didn’t interfere with other guests’ ability to see the stage. The ladies working the photo ops ensured that we had extra time and space so I could help my husband stand up from his scooter. Even the celebrities themselves understood that he would take longer to walk up to them and pose for the pictures.
All in all this was a fantastic experience for the two of us. Your employees are doing everything right. Please do pass along our appreciation to your team. I hope they will be proud to know that they were the key element in solidifying the day as a treasured memory.

With much gratitude, LR and JV


Creation Entertainment Team:  
I just wanted to say thank you to your DC SPN Convention team, particularly Nikki (Nicky), who assisted me with a special request.    
I know how difficult coordinating many people can be and they did it with a lot of grace and kindness.  The entire team was amazing.  I truly appreciated it.   

Very Best,   

I really wanted to write you and let you know about some amazing staff members you had at the Washington D.C. Convention August 2022! It was our first convention and we are so thankful we met 4 employees in particular!! Jaimie, Lisa, Mark (Sound guy), and Stephanie are the most amazing people and they made our first convention absolutely amazing!! Stephanie was absolutely energetic even after Sunday schedule was being completely changed late Saturday night! Jaimie and Lisa were absolutely the best!! They helped us find our way through our first convention and they have become some very fast friends that we absolutely adore and hope to see them at future conventions!! Mark the sound guy helped us on our first night there and after they he would smile, wave, and say hi every single time he seen us! It was great to feel like a staff member remembered us and was amazingly friendly!! I just really wanted you to know that employees like these are the reason people will continue to come back! They made us feel comfortable being in an environment that we had never been in before and they took time to help us and actually have a conversation with us so we didn't feel like a burden. We cannot put into words how much we appreciate them and hope to see them at future conventions!!



Hi creation,
I just wanted to thank you for a great con in Toronto this past weekend. I meant to write following the Nola convention to comment how amazing it was, but totally forgot. Every single staff member I interacted with was super helpful and very nice. Especially the photo ops girls. I had meet and greet and ops conflicts (here and Nola) and they accommodated me and helped get it all done with a smile on their faces. All the guests are amazing and I really enjoyed doing the meet and greets. David’s meet and greet was especially fun and I regretted not buying the dinner again. I did it in Nola and it was awesome. I was able to do the acoustic jam for the first time and it was awesome! And I know the power outage must have caused widespread stress with the staff- but it made for an unforgettable experience for us.

Thanks again for all your hard work and I really hope to be able to attend another con soon.


Hi creation,
I just wanted to thank you for a great con in Toronto this past weekend. I meant to write following the Nola convention to comment how amazing it was, but totally forgot. Every single staff member I interacted with was super helpful and very nice. Especially the photo ops girls. I had meet and greet and ops conflicts (here and Nola) and they accommodated me and helped get it all done with a smile on their faces. All the guests are amazing and I really enjoyed doing the meet and greets. David’s meet and greet was especially fun and I regretted not buying the dinner again. I did it in Nola and it was awesome. I was able to do the acoustic jam for the first time and it was awesome! And I know the power outage must have caused widespread stress with the staff- but it made for an unforgettable experience for us.

Thanks again for all your hard work and I really hope to be able to attend another con soon.


My first Creation con was this past weekend in Vegas and it was a fantastic experience! I’m very impressed with how well the con is organized.
One of my favorite moments was meeting David Haydn-Jones. In fact, I heard that from a lot of people, how great it was to meet David. He takes time to make your experience special. I was lucky to win M&G with David and he was gracious and kind. His handler, Jaci, showed understanding and consideration (I was quite nervous.) If at all possible can I put in a request for David to be at Kansas convention! That is the next con I plan on attending and it would be wonderful if David could be there (and Adam too!)
Thank you,

Hello to the amazing creation team! I just wanted to send a quick thank you for yet another AMAZING week! You are all like a very well oiled machine! Everything was easy sailing and I never felt stressed out! It was so crazy having 4 days instead of 3, but it was a nice treat! I hope you all had safe trips home, and I cannot wait to see you at the next one!

I just wanted to pass on my thanks for such a wonderful convention weekend! I had such a fantastic time and all of the staff and volunteers were so wonderful. I also wanted to extend a thanks for all of the safety precautions your team has in place to make sure that everyone stays safe and healthy during the entire con. It truly was a great weekend.

Thank you!

Hello to the amazing Creation Team!
I just wanted to send and email thanking you all for another fantastic weekend! Nashville was absolutely amazing, even with the tornado thrown in there! All of the employees were, as always, so helpful and welcoming. The actors and employees made my experience one of a kind and I honestly can't thank you all enough for it. I am always counting down the days to my next convention and you all make that possible! I could not think of a better way to spend my birthday weekend! I cannot wait to see you all again in 2022, it’s going to be epic!!!! I hope you all had a safe trip home and have lovely holidays. See you all next year!!!


Dear Friends:
As fans ourselves we try to make all our events and merchandise the very best we can. We're working round the clock to better serve our growing clientele around the world so we really do appreciate the favorable and encouraging e-mails we receive!

- Your friends at Creation Entertainment

PS - Newest letters are added at the top!


Good Morning Dawn,

Once again, you and Creation Entertainment went above and beyond for your customer. The long awaited package has finally arrived and I am blown away. I saw the package on the table and wondered why it looked a little odd shaped. Upon opening the package I felt overwhelmed by the contents. You have truly shown what it means to be in the service industry. My girls were so excited about the bags, bracelets and stickers.

I will sing your praises to the end of the earth. Creation Entertainment is an amazing company that takes care of their customers.

Thanks Again and many blessings to you.
Sondra Robertson

P.S. They are going back to the Nashville convention to see their heroes.



Once again, Creation Entertainment, has raised the bar in providing an extraordinary convention in Stranger Con. The staff not only give their all to produce a magnificent experience but without a doubt they do it with love. This was our second convention this year and it felt as if we've been going to them since Stranger Con began. My son Eman, felt like a superstar and was made to feel very special by Millie, and Chester. Not to mention our favorite producer Stephanie. She puts together the greatest conventions ever. Of course it's a team effort and the staff should be very proud of the work they do to pull it off. There were; Ciree, our VIP liaison (hostess of the mostestJ), Sam, who worked the VIP table at check in (great personality and kindnessJ), Stephanie, who is amazing and really gets into the fan base (best producer and person everJ). Then let’s not forget the cast of Stranger Things, (starting with, Chester (who is an amazing host, and an inspiration to the fans and people as a whole, who has played a major role in bringing out the happy and full of life person in my son Eman. Thx for everything Chester we love you J), Millie, who is not only the apple in my son’s eyes, but who has also made his dreams come true by remembering and displaying that he is remembered at the convention. That made his day, and he will never forget that. We love you MillieJ), not to mention the rest of the cast who show up at the convention. Kudos to them all).Thank you all for giving my son and myself a fantastic and unforgettable experience. Thank you Stranger Con for once again giving my son Eman the greatest experience of his life.

Love and respect,
(Turned, biggest Creation Entertainment fan ever!)



Your crew in Jacksonville was amazing!! I was nervous taking my daughter because of her special needs and everyone really helped put her, and me, at ease. I appreciate how kind everyone was and that they offered any assistance possible to make this experience the best it could be. Both my girls had an awesome time and can’t wait to go to their next convention.

Thanks again!!!



Creation Cares:Charitable Donations


The package arrived today and all I can say is... wow. There is no doubt in my mind that these will definitely bring in some dollars for three great causes.

Thank you so much for your continued support and generosity. We could not do what we do without your help.

Can't Stop The Serenity: Milwaukee, Wisconsin 2018


Official Star Trek Convention: Las Vegas

I will have to say that you did out do 2017! All the actors from DISCOVERY was such a great boost for us fans that we know the show will go on and on from the reaction of my fellow attendees, we could not get enough of DISCO!

The news about Sir Patrick was the climax of the show as we all know, that bit of news sent a ripple through the force (pun intended) that goes far and wide. Before he came on stage, we all thought that Bill Shatner was going to retire from conventions or he was going to be in the next movie. Little did we know that Capt JLP will be back in action.

Surely that was the best news of the convention, but I would like to say that the Friday night dinner show with Joe Piscapo hit it out of the ballpark! Since 2006, my wife and I have been attending as Captain Chair holders, that was without a doubt the most fantastic show we have seen. Truly that was the style of Vegas show I would have liked to have seen many years ago with Frank, Dean and Sammy if I could have! Not to mention that the switch to the Nimoy Theater was the icing on the cake. The food was the best and the fact that there was all that space to sit down and enjoy the show going on was so enjoyable. We really hope that set the precedent for future STLVs. Outstanding job for that choice!!!

While it has only been a few days since it ended, while at the con we renewed our same Capt Chair seats and look forward to see what next year has in store. We can hardly wait, but that is what makes it great!



Dear sweet wonderful Creation
Thank-you , thank-you , THANK-YOU!! for the BEST week of my year. Absolutely outstanding planning and co-ordination, so smoothly run, clean, safe and friendly, Your staff were so helpful and efficient and the variety of guest was just incredible. I cried to meet Apollo, and dear Eddie Paskey, the TOS members of our Trek family are so precious and to see, hear and HUG. Joanne Linville was simply beyond my wildest dreams, I am blissed out and you made it so ♥️

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. LLAP.
Most kindest regards from N.Y.


I wanted to let you know that we had a wonderful time at The Convention!!!! It was our first year there. William Shatner was so very kind to my son. We took the photo op at the bridge. William Shatner talked to my son about his captains log and let him sit in the helmsman seat and told him to touch all the buttons he couldn’t of been nicer to him ♥️ It was a wonderful day that we'll never forget.

J. Wilcox


Official Outlander Convention: Las Vegas

I just wanted to take some time to thank you for a wonderful event in Las Vegas, Nevada. It was my first official Outlander Con and I enjoyed it very much. All the actors were amazingly gracious and fun to get to know a little bit more. Your Staff were very friendly and helpful no matter why the issue may be. I hope you will consider having this event in Las Vegas again soon. I was able to connect with many fans from all over the USA. Thank You again for putting on such a wonderful event!



Supernatural Official Convention: Chicago, IL

I wanted to drop you a quick line regarding the Supernatural Convention in Chicago this past weekend. Thank you and your company for providing a wonderful event. I had purchased tickets as a birthday gift for my Sister, and we had a fabulous time. I appreciate all the hard work that goes into planning these events, and all the people behind the scenes that work so hard to provide all the services and pleasant environment for the fans.

Thank you and your team.


Stranger Con: Parsippany, NJ

Dear Creation Entertainment,
I just got back from New Jersey today because of Stranger Con. I attended on Sunday and it was the best experience of my entire life! Getting to meet my two idols (Millie and Noah) was the best thing I could ever ask for! I loved all the staff and fans that attended, the vendors, and of course the guests!!! I just wanted to say thank you for holding this convention and making July 1st the best day of my life and I really hope you bring Millie and Noah back to the convention! I know a lot of people including me would absolutely love that!

- T


Hello! Just wanted to say I really enjoyed the Stranger Con event yesterday! Thank you guys for a great event! Everyone on the staff was so helpful & accommodating for lines & ADA seating. It was run smoothly & Millie & Noah were great! Looking forward to next year when you guys come to the Meadowlands! Thanks again.



Stranger Con: Chicago, IL

Dear Creation Entertainment,

I attended your Stranger Convention in Chicago, IL this past weekend. My family drove up from Cincinnati, OH. We could not wait for this fun weekend!

I just wanted to say I was so impressed with how smoothly and professionally this convention was ran. Everything was timely, and all of the guests were incredibly sweet.

We all had such an amazing time. All of the Creation staff members were very helpful and very friendly. I really appreciate everyone’s hard work that went into making this weekend one that people would never forget. As an audience member at this convention, I had such a great time and we will definitely be back next year.

Thanks for everything,


Supernatural Official Convention: Birmingham, UK

I know you must have been inundated with emails regarding coming back to the uk, but I’m hoping that this one may also help maybe not in 2019 but 2020?? Birmingham was such an amazing experience and one that I feel must be repeated maybe in one of our other cities if not Birmingham? We loved having you here please come back we need more supernatural conventions don’t tease us with one I beg you

Yours hopefully


Thank you all SO MUCH for your great service in Birmingham. You and your people make a big contribution to making the weekend so special for everyone. I don´t know what I expected at the photo ops but definitely not that! Never thought that I will be able to get photos like this and I had so much fun.

I saw a lot of photo ops from conventions in the US and thinking always "I want it, too. The photographer is amazing!" And now: I have so beautiful masterpieces for my own use. I can not thank you enough. I really hope, that I am able to visit another convention in the future with you are taking the photos there.

Best regards from an more than happy fan from Germany.
Paola Reinhold


Dear everyone at Creation

Thank you so much for bringing the Supernatural Con over to the UK. Like many others we lost money on the convention that went bankrupt and I admit was hesitant about buying tickets. However I was in the fortunate position of being still being able to purchase tickets and am pleased to say I don't regret it at all. Louden Swain (esp with Richard) were simply amazing throughout the weekend. The Saturday Night Special was out of this World and with his interactions in the vendor's room I believe Jason Manns has a fan for life in my 15 year old (who used his savings to pay for his own silver ticket as he was so keen to go). J2M panel was unsurprisingly a huge success but in all honesty there was not one 'bad' panel as all the guests brought their A game.

Please reconsider this being the one and only UK con. Looking at all the positive comments on social media it is safe to say it was a success and any future cons would be even more so. Personally I know of many fans who would've snapped up tickets if they had further notice and most importantly hadn't lost a lot of money with the convention company which went bankrupt.

Whatever happens thanks again for such a magical weekend and fingers crossed for another SPNUK.



To whom it may concern!
I just wanted to send a quick email in regards to your return to the uk.
I understand that it is costly to bring the cast over to the uk and to in general bring the con over.
But I just wanted to express the general happiness that I felt and many fans felt during this 3 days period.
First of all it was my first ever con and I was super nervous but thanks to a friend of mine on Twitter I managed to be added into a friendship group of supernatural fans where I have made forever friends. This is what your con did.
Thanks to SPNUK I managed I finally meet my idol Misha Collins after 9 years of being his fan and loving and appreciating him for many years. And this was all because of creation I also got to meet Jared padalecki and Jensen ackles who I have also watched for 8 years and completely idolised.
So basically it was just a email to say please bring them back to us in the UK as for many people UKcon is there only chance to meet the cast. I really hope this changes creations mind.

I really hope this changes creations mind.
Thank you


Hi cast of Supernatural. I have just left my first supernatural convention and I want to thank you. I'm living in Aberystwyth, 3 hours from Birmingham and I'm studying to become an actor. Every single one of the WONDERFUL people who was at the Con was just as charming as everyone says. Briana and Matt, you are hilarious! Matt that british flag on your forehead?? Nicely done! Alex, I don't know if you've gotten used to the craziness that is the SPNfamily but you sure are loved in the fandom! Jake, thank you for keeping up with the SPNfamily all these years! You in the sunglasses with Union jack was handsome and sooo funny!

Rob, Billy, Michael, Stephen.

What can I say? I was at Station Break last year. Needless to say, that concert didn't turn out as any of us thought it would. But I met one of my closest friends there. THis weekend, I got to meet you in person. FINALLY! Rob, I'm still mad at you, I have a performance in 2 days. And I lost my voice completely during the concert yesterday. Who can I blame but you? But wow... that concert? I have lost count on how many times I've fangirled over the music that is Louden Swain this weekend. If you HAVE to do less conventions next year, come to Sweden! I will be your personal guide. I wait for you (nod to She waits)

Richard, you're doing an amazing job as a host at these conventions! And with the directing as well as writer of King of Cons (REALLY hoping for a season 2) I know you said you prefer directing but you're an incredible actor. You make me wish that Misha or J2 or whoever the next person is late so that I can hear more of your improvised songs. I really hope to see you in UK or Sweden soon again! IF Spn ends, don't stop hosting cons! You are so funny. THank you Rich.

Jared, Jensen, Misha

You are insane. The J2M panel had me laughing to tears. PLEASE get more questions wrong! You are amazing human beings. I loved every moment of the panels. Misha, GISHWHES has been an amazing journey and I'm eagerly expecting what this august can bring with GISH. Jared, AKF has helped me a lot. Thank you. Jensen, same thing with You Are not Alone. Thanks to all three of you who keeps spending so much time away from your family to come to us and make sure we're having a good time. Seeing you on stage is worth every penny of the conventions.

I have never seen a cast more loved by their fans who loves us fans in return. During these 3 days, I've come to learn WHY the fandom is called #SPNfamily. It truly is a family. Thank you SPN for this convention. I love you.

Hugs from Sweden /Aberystwyth
PS. Creation Ent PLEASE make another convention here in UK. We love it so much!!


to whomever this may concern,
I’m writing this (well typing) to ask you to consider coming back to the United Kingdom for a con.
I understand it may be very costly for you, but please if you can understand, it’s so rare for us to be able to see the cast. It’s really unlikely for us to be able to go to an American con, so please come back sometime.
everyone at this convention this weekend, has been the happiest they’ve ever been, and loved experiencing creations well run con. the guests you invited to this con, were incredible, and we would all love to see them again!
the creation team were so wonderful, and helpful, and from the bottom of my heart I thank them, and whoever’s idea it was to come over to the UK.
I know this is a lot to ask, but so many of us would love to have you back at the NEC, as the venue was so amazing, and spacious.
thank you for this amazing weekend, please, please come back.



I just wanted to congratulate you on a brilliant convention that was held this weekend in Birmingham, UK.

I have had experience with Rogue events last year and they were a disaster.

I hope you are aware of what a fantastic team you have, they are polite, organised and have 100% opened the UK's eyes on how a convention should be run! I have fully enjoyed myself.

Now that being said...I am actually writing to try and convince you to bring the #spnuk con back next year.

I am wondering if there is anything at all we can do to try and possibly get 2019 spnuk con to happen.

To pre-warn you, a petition has started as well as the #spnuk2019 tag on Twitter.

Hope to hear from you.
Much love - a new creation con fan


I attended the Supernatural convention this Saturday in Birmingham ( UK) and it was amazing. Thank you so much for bringing such a wonderful group of people to see us. It was a wonderful opportunity to connect with people from a show that is truly loved and stars that seem to care so much for their fans. As well as a thank you I also wanted to say I really hope there is a possibility of another UK supernatural convention next year, Jensen and Jared (and the rest of the cast) are loved by us all and we would jump at the chance to come along again. Hopefully next time we'd be slightly less nervous in our photo opportunities!! I for one would love to go again, and for the whole weekend this time and get lots more photo ops, I've been bitten by the bug!

Thanks again and kindest regards


Hi guys, I'm not sure who or how to do this but I hope this makes it to the right people.

I have just attended the Supernatural Convention at the NEC in Birmingham UK & I wanted to say a big thank you to your company for organising such a fabulous event. The amount of people there was amazing & everyone is having the best time.

I hope that you will consider coming to the UK again with Supernatural as I know from chatter on Facebook & meeting with people over the past two days that they would definitely attend again & bring more fans.

If you could also pass on these sentiments to the attending cast members who have made this convention a truly memorable time it would be appreciated as there is a lot of love for them here in the UK.

Once again thank you for bringing so much happiness to the Supernatural fans of the UK & fingers crossed we will see you again next year.

Kind regards


Supernatural Official Convention: Toronto, ONT

Hey, I just wanted to send out a quick Email to thank you guys for an amazing weekend at TorCon 2017! This was my first convention and will definitely not be my last. I loved how organized and planned out everything was and if there was a bump, you handled it calmly and fixed everything needed to be fixed. I will be moving out to California in the next three years so if you ever need help with organization or just hiring, I would love to be apart of your wonderful company! I have memories that will last a life time! Thank you again so very much for everything! This event was truly priceless!

Thank you from the bottom my my heart,


The Vampire Diaries Official Convention: New Jersey


I hope this is the right email account to send this to. I just wanted to say a huge thank you for putting together such a great convention for fans of The Vampire Diaries and The Originals this past weekend in Whippany, New Jersey.

I have attended many various conventions over the years and I just wanted to say that Creation Entertainment conventions are by far the best that I have attended. They are always run so smoothly with no problems. The schedule is always accurate once it's posted so that fans never have to worry about things changing last minute once it goes up on the site. The events at the cons are always started on time and never have any problems.

I know it must require a ton of work to put these conventions together. But please know how appreciated that work is. I have seen lifelong friendships formed at these conventions and it's such an incredible honor that fans have the chance to meet their favorite actor and/or actress in person at so many personal events.

I am very glad that you are continuing the The Vampire Diaries/The Originals convention tours next year. I'm already planning to attend a few of them. Thanks especially for adding a TVD convention in Nashville Tennessee. As someone who lives in the South East area, that is very much appreciated and thank you as well for adding Matt Davis to the 2018 conventions! :)

Thank you again for all the hard work. Creation Entertainment really are the best fan conventions out there!



Supernatural Official Convention:Phoenix, AZ

Thank you for bringing the Supernatural cast to Phoenix for a convention. I went Gold this year. It was the first time I'd had a Gold experience. It was beyond my expectations. I had an amazing time. I'm hoping to be able to go Gold again in 2019. Gary suggested that it is a possibly you will be back with Supernatural.

Thank you again for a wonderful convention. Supernatural is, I'm my humble opinion, the best show on television.



Once Upon A Time Official Conventions

Thanks for providing B. and I a Once in a lifetime experience during the Once Upon A Time convention.

It was amazing and so nice for my daughter to hear stories from the actors about their struggles and rejections in this crazy business. My daughter wants to go down this road and performs often but entering the teen years brings a different dynamic to the business.   She was comforted to know she's not alone.

So in the end she met some stars and heard their life stories.  It was a very family friendly event.  

Thanks again


The Vampire Diaries Official Convention: Chicago, IL

I wanted to send a thank you to you and the staff, at the TVD Chicago event earlier this month, for accommodating me in regards to my physical disability.  The staff at the event were very kind and did not give a second thought when I expressed not being able to stand in long lines.  Even when I offered to wait my turn, sitting in a chair, the staff had me go through the line, which I know is not something they had to do nor did I ask, but was appreciated.  Paul Wesley was also kind, when I met him for a picture, even when the line was stopped for me to cut in, he didn’t give it a second thought.  (Please pass that on to him if you can.)

I know that it is the law to provide accommodations to people with disabilities when requested, but it is not the law to be as kind and generous as everyone was there.  I work at a Center for Independent Living which helps people with disabilities, live independently and advocate for themselves when needed.  In my job, I have had to step in when accommodations were requested and not given.  I wish more people and businesses acted the way the staff did in Chicago.  It was quite refreshing to have people act so kindly even after being asked for an accommodation, which I personally do not like to have to do in regards to my disability because of reactions I typically receive. Thank you again and I hope you have a great day.




I just wanted to let you guys know that this past convention in Chicago was AMAZING! And already planning for next year! (Any hints on when gold/silver tickets may be going on sale ;) — Also super excited to see Joseph Morgan, BUT…still want Paul to come. :( He is a TVD staple! Wouldn’t be the same without him. So try and twist his arm and get him to come back…at least for one more time. :)

Also…Mercy Mode was awesome!!!! I love Chase Coleman’s voice already…but with his band, it was just incredible. Seeing as it was only their 3rd or 4th show…I would LOVE to see what they can do next year at the con if they can make it back. :)

Thank you for the great weekend! See you next May!

~ A.


Supernatural Official Convention: Seattle, WA

What a phenomenal treat to get to be live in Seattle through Stageit! Feed came through perfectly. No issues. So fun to talk to others.

The show was cute and sweet!  

Really hope you do more shows like this!  

Would be awesome to get to have a special Streaming Live Only show as well ...where viewers at home could ask questions.  

Thank you, Creation, for this opportunity. Was like getting to be there. A real gift for those who can't attend the real-deal. This was the Real Deal  All smiles!

Thank you!


Supernatural has been a part of my life since 2006; since then a lot of things happened in my life and for all of it I had SPN to go to; when I was feeling sad, the show kept me together, it helped me to deal with real life and its bad things in a way I can't even explain.

Last weekend I had the BEST EXPERIENCE OF MY LIFE at SPNSEA and it is all thanks to Creation, the amazing AMAZING volunteers, the people from "I'm alive" who offered me comfort after a photo op where I was shaking and crying after meeting people I always dreamed to meet.

So, here a way to THANK all the amazing people involved, thank you SPNFAMILY. This weekend in Seattle will always be in my memories and it'll be forever the best time of my life From: A girl who used to think her dreams could never come true and they actually did.



Once Upon A Time: Vancouver, BC

I recently attended my first ever convention: Creation's Once Upon a Time convention in Vanouver last month. My best friend & I decided since it was likely going to be a once in a lifetime event for us we would go all out & bid on the VIP Backstage Pass. The cost of tickets, photo ops, travel, hotel, etc...means we probably can't make this an ongoing thing so we felt fine about splurging to make this weekend extraordinary.

Boy was it ever! We had the time of our lives and met amazing people with whom I

know we'll be friends for a long long time. But what really made our weekend incredible was our VIP handler, Kerri. I truly cannot express how amazing she was. Amazing, fantastic, outstanding...those words do not even come close to describing Kerri. She worked so hard to make sure every little detail was perfect. It seemed as if her goal in life was to ensure we had absolutely the best weekend ever!

I don't know if she is on staff with Creation or simply a volunteer, but either way you need to hang on to her. If she's staff, she needs a promotion & a big fat raise.

The con itself was lovely and I know we'd have had fun no matter what, but it was Kerri's hard work & devotion that made this weekend truly exceptional. Words can never convey how amazing she was to our VIP group.

I happened to see her on the train going home (we took the train to Seattle & then flew home to Dallas) and was thrilled to have even just a few more moments to visit with her. She is an absolute treasure & I hope you are able to reward her hard work & dedication. She deserves it!



Supernatural Official Convention: Nashville, TN

I just wanted to send out a short thank you. Thank you for the long hours, effort, and care you put into the photo ops and making sure we all have a good experience and pictures. Thank you for pushing through this past weekend in Nashville, despite being sick (and having ops run longer than expected on top of it). I  realize it's a job - but I also know just how miserable it is to have to work when you're sick.  More personally - I've always hated having my picture taken because I've never been happy with the results. I've gone to 4 SPN conventions now, and your pictures are the best pictures of me taken, ever. Having them has helped boost my confidence a great deal -- I'm not sure how many people would consider it a good thing that I have *more* confidence now, lol, but I really, truly appreciate it. Those pictures mean a lot to me, so, thank you for being so very good at what you do.

Best regards,


I would just like to let you know that all the volunteers you had at Nashville were so helpful and friendly. It made the con a wonderful experience.

Thank you to you and your staff as well for putting on a good show.

Can't wait to do it again next year.



Supernatural Official Convention: Las Vegas

Sorry I am not sure who to address this to but since we spoke many times I thought I would start here. I just wanted to say thank you to the entire Creation crew, Adam, Gary and all the others that contributed to the Supernatural Las Vegas convention. I took my 15 year old daughter there for her birthday present and she had never been around or seen celebrities before.  She just adores Jared and Jensen and wanted to see them on stage. While we were in line for the autograph session with Jared, she started to go into shock over meeting him. Jared was so nice that when he saw she was having trouble he really did a great job to help me calm her down. He even went so far as to walk her behind stage to meet Jensen on the other side of the theatre. Jensen was so kind and welcoming and she was just in heaven. Because of being limited to mobility scooter for these large events, the guys really helped me to provide her with the best present ever. Please pass on my thanks to the Creation team and a personal thanks to Jensen and Jared for their kindness. Neither of us will ever forget the experience.

Thank you,


I wasn't able to say this in person on my way out of the Rio tonight, but I wanted to take a moment and thank you for all that you did to make the Las Vegas SPN Convention so special for the fans of Supernatural. The photos are such an integral part of the happiness people experience at these events, and I felt it important to acknowledge your talents as a photographer. Thank you for all that you do!

Safe travels, and I look forward to next year!



Supernatural Official Convention: Chicago

The Chicago convention was the first for my wife and I. we are in our 60s, and frankly, thought we'd be way out of place because of our age. Figured we'd stick out like a sore thumb. That was not the case, and everyone was so welcoming----we had a blast. We attended all sessions, every day, and really enjoyed it all. From my previous work with very large corporate meetings, I am aware of what extraordinary planning and effort it takes to host such a successful event. Congratulations to you all, and thank you.



Supernatural Official Convention: Whippany, NJ


My daughter, Charlotte, and I attended the Supernatural Convention at the Marriott in Whippany, NJ.

Charlotte is 12, and has been a SN fan for about a year. When she told me she wanted to attend the convention I agreed to purchase Gold tickets and it would be an early Christmas gift for her.

We had been to BookCon and StreamCon and ComicCon, so I had a general sense of what might take place. Never did I expect what transpired!

Every cast member was charming and generous of time and spirit, and every staff member was gracious, friendly, and helpful.

During the event, many member we encountered went above and beyond to ensure that Charlotte had a great time and got everything she wanted. Never have I been at a fan event where staff treated everybody with such dignity and consideration. In particular, I want to commend Connie, Shelly, Morgan, and Brian Chetta, all of whom deserve to be recognized for their efforts. Please let them know how grateful I am.

Your team did such a great job that we decided to get front row tickets for next year, and we plan to have as good a time then as we just had in Whippany.

Thank you.
Best regards,


Dear Creation, Adam and Gary,

We just wanted to say THANK YOU so much for yet another amazing Con!! Everyone was so polite, the volunteers were amazing and all the actors were incredible!! Well done!! You give the fans such an amazing experience, we hope it continues for a long time! Supernatural is the best.

We renewed our GOLD tickets and we are already looking forward to next September!! Hoping you will bring Ruth and Gil back next year along with Kim and Briana!! It was our first time meeting them and they were great and very funny.

Thanks again and best wishes,
Kim, Kelly and Rita


Supernatural Official Convention: Toronto, ONT Canada

I would like to let you know that the volunteers and security were amazing at this past weekend convention in Toronto. They were polite, attentive and very helpful. Our first time attending was memorable and we will be back.

Thank you N.B.


This weekend was truly something magical. Although it was my fifth Creation convention, I think it may well be my favorite of all time, there's just something so special about being there to celebrate Rob. Not to mention the schedule ran as smoothly as I've ever experienced, go Team Creation!

Thank you!
PS please tell Stephanie she really killed it at the Mic. Really fantastic performance! :-D


The last time we communicated was in April so you may or may not remember me. That’s fine. I’m the artist who asked for, and got, permission to sell my original art at the Toronto Supernatural Convention this year. I wanted to write you a note about it. A thank you note.

The experience I had at the show this past weekend was utterly fantastic. The response to my art blew me away completely. I’ve done a lot of comiccons but that was nothing compared to this weekend. Creation runs an incredible show. Your staff there was friendly and helpful. They truly cared. The volunteers were awesome. The space I had was perfection.

I had friends who were just attending the event. Gold and copper seats. They came to share with me quite a bit about their experiences so I could live vicariously through them. It’s obvious your company makes sure the fans are well cared for. From registration to ops to panels to autos, they had nothing but good things to say about the weekend. I could see that even from where I was sitting. The weekend is fandom family.



Official Star Trek 50th Anniversary Convention: Las Vegas

Chris - wonderful experience and photos as always, but I SO ABSOLUTELY loved the blue-ish background this year, it really made the photos so much more enjoyable than the red. I loved how my photos turned out.

Thank you for all that you do!



It was wonderful to see how you mostly managed to stick to the schedule, when it was such a complicated schedule. As gold ticket holders, we also greatly appreciated the free autographs not including a lot of people who seem to be among them over and over again - it was definitely the best value we can remember seeing.

Five days was NOT too much. In fact, it still seemed to be over too soon.

The video equipment was wonderful, although I am never sure how much of that is yours and how much is the Rio’s. But the quality was great and it was far less intrusive than in the past. The lighting on the stage also seemed greatly improved, for photo-taking.



Supernatural Official Convention:Minneapolis

Thank you, Chirs!!! For everything this weekend. Thank you for your patience and understanding. All of our pictures turned out perfect!!!! Thank you for the little smiles after all my pics. Those littlle smiles gave me so much confidence. I can't expain it or why but they were exactly what I needed at that time. I wanted to tell you thank you in person but you were kinda busy. :) I hope you get some rest before your next con. Thank you again!!!!!
I am thankful I was able to be there the past two years. Never dreamed I would ever get to a con. Memories for a lifetime.
Thank you, again!!!! Hugs!!!!

Creation Entertainment