March 3, 2020

What exactly am I buying?
A purchase of a celebrity PHOTO OP gives you an 8 by 10 full color photo of yourself with the celebrity. In order to avoid any patron being upset we like to point out that you are not buying a "conversation" with the celebrity. On rare occasion a patron will be upset that we must keep the line moving, however please know that our celebrities need to also do their on-stage presentations and sign autographs, generally all in the same day, and they often need to catch a plane or make another engagement. The PHOTO OP lasts less than 15 seconds.

Do I have to have a ticket to the convention to get a PHOTO OP?
Yes, it is necessary to be attending the convention both to get your photo ops taken and picked up (if they are printed for dispersal at the convention).

Are PHOTO OPS included in any admission ticket packages?
NO, ADMISSION TICKET PACKAGES DO NOT INCLUDE PHOTO OPS -- these must be purchased separately on this site or at the convention (if not sold out). NOTE: You may buy Photo Op and Autograph tickets before buying an Admission ticket, but you need an Admission ticket in order to use the Photo Op and Autograph tickets. Please buy an Admission ticket as soon as you can as we can never guarantee Admission tickets won't sell out before the show. We will not be taking any photo ops or giving autographs out unless the person who has a photo op ticket or autograph ticket ALSO has an admission ticket for the day of the photo op or autograph (unless the guest has changed days). Please, absolutely, do not ask for exceptions to this rule. Join our Free Email list to get updates on ticket availability.

Can I take a special pose?
Special poses are at the discretion of the celebrities and/or may be affected by guest flights and other scheduling issues.

How many fans can be in one picture?
At the request of many of our celebrities we limit the amount of patrons in a picture with a celebrity to FOUR PATRONS. There are absolutely NO exceptions to this rule, unfortunately.
Two(2) fans can be in a photo op for the price of one photo op ticket.
For four(4) people you would need 2 photo op tickets.

How many copies can I get of my PHOTO OP?
We can only supply ONE photo, no matter how many fans are in the picture. You are free to order as many photo ops with the same celebrity as you wish.

How will I receive my PHOTO OPS?
Photos are generally available either late in the day or the following day of the convention. If your photos were taken Sunday and are not scheduled to be delivered back to the convention before you leave, please see below (note that ANY photos not picked up at the convention are available in the below way).
For photo ops not available or picked up the convention, Creation will post within 2 weeks of the event all the remaining photo ops on a page within
www.creationent.com. (Please be patient if we are in our "summer rush".) The address (URL) of the photo op claiming page will be announced at the convention and when the site is ready, the link will also appear at our site at our photo ops pick up page CLICK HERE. You will be able to claim your photo(s) and we will carefully protect and mail your photo to you within 2-3 weeks at our expense.

I heard that I can give gifts to the celebrity at the PHOTO OP sessions?
Due to security considerations and guest concerns we can no longer facilitate the giving of gifts to guests at the photo op sessions. Please note that because guests usually travel by plane they are unable to take gifts home with them in any case. As a FYI, in our long experience, the vast majority of celebrities do not take their gifts with them, nor do they ask for them to be sent. This is not meant to single out any specific guest or stars of any specific film or TV series, it is just a fact of the celebrity world that we wish to pass on because we know how much time and effort goes into gift-giving by fans to their favorite celebrities.

Okay, I've bought a PHOTO OP TICKET, where do I show up for it?
The schedule of events for each convention is posted at the website by Wednesday of the week of the convention. PHOTO OPS are included in the schedule. Sometimes PHOTO OPS take place when other activities are taking place at the convention, so please do not miss your place! PHOTO OPS move quickly and we ask, unless otherwise notified, that you show up 5 minutes prior to the PHOTO OP scheduled time.

Will PHOTO OP TICKETS be on sale at the convention?
Unless sold out, yes. Sometimes the price will be slightly higher than the price in advance.

What should I wear?
Your photo will no doubt be highly prized and saved for years, so we suggest giving some thought to your wardrobe. White does not photograph well.

I still have more questions...
Questions not addressed here can be directed to: