Updated: March 12, 2025
When you purchase the Gold Weekend Admission Package Pass, you are getting a top-of-the-line experience for all three days of daytime programming, complimentary autographs and much more!
Reserve your premium seat in our main theater for all three days of the convention! Choose your seat when ordering online and enjoy the best views in the theater.
Here’s your chance to get a complimentary autograph from Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins, Alexander Calvert, Matt Cohen, Gil McKinney, Jeffrey Vincent Parise and Alaina Huffman, live and in-person!
Note: Your Gold pass is good for ONE autograph from each guest included in the package. If a celebrity whose autograph is included in Gold must cancel, we work to try and replace with another guest (or multiple guests) who will sign in place of the canceled guest. If we cannot find a guest replacement(s), then we will provide a pre-signed autograph photo of equal or greater value.
As a Gold patron, you get a special Q&A panel with Jensen and Jared! They will also appear later in the day for everyone else.
You'll get complimentary admission to see Rob Benedict and house band Louden Swain for an amazing evening of great music! PLUS, you'll keep your same great seat that you enjoy during the day.
Gold are the first to be called for ALL autograph signings and for select guest photo ops called from the theater (where indicated). We will call by rows.
Gold can pre-register before any other guests the night before the convention. Note: It’s not mandatory and you can register any time the registration station is open.
Receive a special Gold badge, lanyard and wristband for the weekend!
You’ll get to visit the vendors room filled with awesome merchandise!
Admission Pass ordering information
GOLD ADMISSION PACKAGES DO NOT INCLUDE PHOTO OPS and only those autographs listed above in the Gold Autographs description are the autographs included in your package. If there is an autograph not listed in the Gold Autographs description, those must be purchased on an a la carte basis at the convention (if not sold out).
SILVER WEEKEND ADMISSION PACKAGE PASSES are the next best thing after Gold with great benefits including great seats (behind Gold), complimentary autographs and more – all included in your package!
Reserve your seat in our main theater while ordering online, and it is yours for the whole three days! While the special half-hour Gold-only panel with Jared and Jensen is NOT INCLUDED in Silver Weekend Packages, they will appear later for the entire audience.
You get in-person autographs from Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins, Gil McKinney, Jeffrey Vincent Parise and Alaina Huffman included in your package.
Note: Your Silver pass is good for ONE autograph from each guest included in the package. If a celebrity whose autograph is included in Silver must cancel, we work to try and replace with another guest (or multiple guests) who will sign in place of the canceled guest. If we cannot find a guest replacement(s), then we will provide a pre-signed autograph photo of equal or greater value.
You are among the first rows (after Gold) for the celebrity autograph signings and those photo ops called from the theater, included in this package! We call row by row, so you'll spend less time in line, and more time relaxing in your seat.
Silver gives you priority registration after Gold Patrons but before other guests! Get early dibs on merchandise in the vendors room!
You'll get complimentary admission to see Rob Benedict and house band Louden Swain for an amazing evening of great music! PLUS, you'll keep your same great seat that you enjoy during the day.
You’ll receive a special badge and lanyard that allows you Silver access for the entire weekend -- and you can also keep as a cool memento of the convention!
You’ll get to visit the vendors room filled with awesome merchandise!
Admission Pass ordering information
SILVER WEEKEND ADMISSION PACKAGES DO NOT INCLUDE PHOTO OPS and only those autographs listed above in the Silver Autographs description are the autographs included in your package. If there is an autograph not listed in the Silver Autographs description, those must be purchased on an a la carte basis or at the convention (if not sold out). This also does not include the Exclusive Gold Sunday Panel with Jared and Jensen, but they will appear later in the day for everyone else.
NOTE: If you have autographs as part of your ticket package benefits, you will need to have something for the celebrities to sign. They will sign almost anything you bring from home, and there is a wide assortment of photos and other collectibles on sale at the convention. Items that are deemed inappropriate will not be allowed to be presented at the autograph table. Personalization is not guaranteed and is at the discretion of the celebrity and it may be determined by scheduling or other factors.
COPPER WEEKEND ADMISSION PACKAGE PASSES are also a great way to attend the show with the same reserved seats throughout the convention (behind or to side of Gold and Silver) and other cool benefits. Here’s what you get when you are a Copper Weekend Patron:
You can choose your seat while ordering online that is yours for this amazing show! The Copper pass doesn’t include the Jensen & Jared GOLD-only panel, but the boys appear later in the day for everyone else.
Copper gives you a jump start on your weekend to pre-register the night before (after Gold and Silver Patrons)! You can get early admission to the vendors room!
You'll get complimentary admission to see Rob Benedict and house band Louden Swain for an amazing evening of great music! PLUS, you'll keep your same great seat that you enjoy during the day.
You’ll receive a special badge and lanyard that allows you Copper access for the entire weekend -- and you can also keep as a cool memento of the convention!
You’ll get to visit the vendors room filled with awesome merchandise!
Admission Pass ordering information
COPPER WEEKEND ADMISSION PACKAGES DO NOT INCLUDE photo ops, autographs or the special GOLD only half-hour panel. A la carte photo ops and autographs tickets must be purchased separately below or at the convention (if not sold out). Thanks!
This is the most economical way to attend all three days of the convention. Your General Admission Weekend pass gets you a guaranteed (non-reserved) seat in the theatre to see all the daytime guest panels and daytime events. Plus, as a GA Weekend pass holder, you are able to pre-register the night before the convention (after Gold, Silver and Copper), at which time you’ll be able to purchase any remaining a la carte autographs or photo ops tickets that are available as well as gain access to the vendors area. This doesn’t include the Saturday Night Concert OR the exclusive Gold Panel with Jensen & Jared on Sunday, but they will be appearing for everyone later in the day so you’ll get the chance to see him on-stage!
Admission Pass ordering information
GA WEEKEND ADMISSION PACKAGE PASS DOES NOT INCLUDE photo ops, autographs or the special GOLD only half-hour panel. A la carte photo ops, autographs and concert tickets must be purchased separately or at the convention (if not sold out). Thanks!
Additional ticket options will be available closer to the convention date including:
Preferred Single-Day
General Admission Single-Day
Make sure to sign up for our FREE EMAIL LIST for announcements. Thanks!