Updated: March 21, 2025


It Seemed Like A GOOD IDEA at the Time* with Misha Collins

It Seemed Like A GOOD IDEA at the Time* with Misha Collins.
Hyatt Regency Minneapolis Hotel/Greenway Ballroom
1300 Nicolett Mall
Minneapolis, MN 55403

NOTE: A convention pass is not required to attend, and the show will not overlap the Saturday Night Special Concert. Attendance age is 18+ and the bar is 21+. No photography or video recording is allowed at any time.

First Row: $299
[A service fee of $25.42 will be included in price; sales tax will still apply]

Tier 2: Rows 2-4: $199
[A service fee of $16.92 will be included in price; sales tax will still apply]

Tier 3: Rows 5-7: $149
[A service fee of $12.67 will be included in price; sales tax will still apply]

General Admission: $79
[A service fee of $10.50 will be included in price; sales tax will still apply]

Ticket ordering FAQ

We're excited to have Misha's special evening event at these upcoming 2025 The Road So Far... The Road Ahead Conventions:
Oklahoma City (June 7)
Novi, Michigan (July 12)
Austin (August 23)
Chicago (Sept. 6)
Vancouver (Sept. 27)
Philadelphia (Oct. 4)
Nashville (Nov. 1)

Stay tuned as we launch tickets for each show soon!