His aunt, Katherine Clayton, is
described as being in her mid-30s and runs Greystoke Industries'
media division. Described as "beautiful, sharp, sophisticated,
witty and acerbic, she never passes up an opportunity to be the
thorn in her brother, Richard's, side. She often uses her newspaper
and media holdings to expose his corporate scandals and misdeeds.
Katherine lives in the Clayton
ancestral home, a Beaux Art behemoth on Fifth Avenue where
Tarzan comes to live as well. She is as surprised as anybody when
caring for her long-lost nephew brings up warm, nurturing impulses
she never knew she had. When Richard tries to control Tarzan to further
his own corporate agenda, Katherine becomes as protective and fierce
as a lioness.
This character will be signed
to appear in 10 out of the initial 13 episodes ordered by the
network; should the series do well in the ratings, it will be
picked up for the last 9 episodes, bringing it to a full season's