Lucy's Meet and
Greet at the London 08
Carling Academy Concert
as well as some rehearsal and concert pics
and some words from the lucky folks
(click for larger image)
(photos: Chris Schmelke)

I would like to thank Lucy and you for making it happen. For me
it was
fulfilling a dream which I have never thought would happen.
Living in Israel makes it very hard to get to Lucy's concerts and
conventions, much less to meet with her.
I would love to share this with everyone! The whole weekend
was awesome and Lucy definitely rocked London! I would
Lucy back anytime! And I have one word to describe those
chaps . . . WOW!
Thanks for a great time
Nadine Sheridan
Meeting Lucy and seeing her get ready for her show was a dream come
true. I was so nervous and excited in equal measure but she
made me feel at ease. It was a fantastic night not to
forgotten. I was so lucky to meet her and I could not help but
when photographed with her the whole experience was such fun.
Agnes Bell
That meeting with Lucy was for me everything. That was my dream
when I
started watching Xena on TV. London was great. Concert was
great. I hope we meet again. Thank you Lucy. Thank
you Sharon and thank Creation for 3 magic days and very good fun.
I'm from San Diego and so Lucy performing in London gave me a great
excuse to save money and go there. I probably would have waited
to cross "the pond" otherwise and now I want to retire over there!
LOL This meet and greet was such an amazing and surreal
experience. I had so much fun! I will never forget it and
will always
cherish that time. Lucy's so generous with her fans and she has
shiny happy energy surrounding her! I hope she knows how cool she
is and how much she means to her fans.
Renee Carson
Fist of all I’d like to say a big THANK YOU to Lucy, to you and to
Creation for making the best weekend of my life possible. I’m
probably using the cheesiest and sappiest saying, but meeting Lucy was
a dream come true. I was really nervous beforehand but Lucy’s
demeanour and warm personality soon put me at ease and I had the
greatest hour with her before the concert. It was so cool of Lucy
to suggest that we come up on the stage and have our pictures taken
with her. I was third or fourth in line to climb up and before me
all British Fans. Therefore, when I got to her Lucy asked, “Are
another British Fan?” and I said, “No, I’m from Serbia.” To which
responded, “But you live here now?” and my answer was “Yeah, up in
Birmingham.” She than asked me my name and after she repeated it
in her
amazing, husky voice I was lost. I don’t recall much after then,
that I was outside again waiting to get in for the actual concert.
LOL I managed to get to the second row, dead centre and just
waited an hour for Lucy to come back. Oh boy, was it worth the
wait. I
was clapping and screaming with the rest of the Fans when Lucy came
out, but then after I saw what she was wearing I don’t remember Lucy
singing at all. For all I know she could have recited haiku for
rest of the evening, all I was aware of were her chaps and Galactica’s
hot, hot, itsy, bitsy, little pants. LMAO All joking aside, Lucy
was amazing. She was warm, friendly and funny. Watching her
was a real joy. I was really lucky to get to meet her, and get a
from her, in such an informal way at the meet and greet before the
concert. Afterwards, at the concert, Lucy’s rapport with her Fans
brilliant singing will stay with me for the rest of my life.
moment was pure perfection.
All my love to Lucy and my eternal gratitude to you Sharon for being
our little window into the amazing life force that is Lucy.
Lucy's London performances had left me quite speechless for a few
I could not get over how awesome it was (and I mean awesome in the true
sense of the word). I could not stop dancing in my seat the
concert (both concerts, I should say). And much like Chicago, my bum
was sore afterwards. The anticipation of what she will do next is
a bit thrilling, don't you
think? With each successive performance, she seems to go beyond
to explore the edge. I'm glad she is taking us along on for the
I'm sure it will be well worth the wait. Specifically, the VIP
meet and greet and sound check was surreal. Lucy was very
generous with
her time and attention for the VIP group showing her devotion to her
fans once again. She greeted each of us individually asking our
and grabbed a little bit of information from us as to who we were and
where we had travelled from, literally and spiritually, perhaps, as a
few in the group have had to overcome many obstacles in their
Lucy was especially attuned to that, and was apparently quite moved by
some. The event went too quickly for me. It took a bit to
get my
bearings and to settle my excitement. I just knew I was
in a very special moment. I am grateful that we were given the
opportunity to have photos taken. As I look at them now, I simply
cannot remember what words were exchanged, but the beaming smile on my
face alludes to true euphoria! It was such a great time. We
connected with Lucy on some rock-and-roll level as we grooved to the
sound check songs. Thanks to Lucy for doing the Melissa Etheridge song
for us! She simply gets better and better as she seems to be
in comfortably on stage with each performance. I have been to all
the concerts to date, each having a special tone and theme to them; all
showing Lucy's diversity as an entertainer; all showing the highly
talented dynamic sides of herself.
Anita Lago
Lucy Lawless audition as Carrie Bradshaw and me Big!
(She's nearly kneeling)
I would like to thank you again, for some very fond memories.
Jane Morris
It was the icing on the cake to greet Lucy on stage in my home town
London and, according to Lucy, I'm her new Sidekick!! What more
could a
girl want! Thanks Lucy for everything you put into the shows and
to us! Come back soon!!
I was at the meet and greet! Meeting Lucy was a dream come true
for me (understatement)! Lucy was always the person I most wanted
to meet in the world! Now, after meeting her, she is still the
person I most want to meet again!!!! Lucy was fantastic!
The whole thing was wonderful, there are no words! Both concerts really
were the best I have ever been to! Big thanks to Creation, Sharon
and Lucy for giving me one of the best weekends ever!!! And thank
you again Lucy for all the immense positive energy you give out, you
make such a difference! You really are a great gift.
More than four months I was living as in a dream with the happy
expectation of seeing my gorgeous Lucy live in her London concerts and
at the traditional Official Xena Convention. She is an amazing
and hilarious goddess, the 8th miracle of the world!!! And at the
last moment the fate gave me one more incredible gift – as one of the
20 Lucy’s backstage VIP guests before the first concert on May 3, I had
the opportunity of being side by side with her, to hug her, to talk
with her and to be taken photos with her -- the sublime moment for me
ever!!! (I'm at the 7th Heaven with both my pictures with
Lucy!!!). Any words are insufficient to describe my feelings at
these minutes! I wished the time was stopped! I was staring
at her amazing blue, blue, blue eyes ready to sink into this
ocean! Lucy was nicely surprised that I had come all the way from
Bulgaria. Yes, that was the greatest adventure in my life and it
was worth everything! Thank you, Lucy for this great, real
GIFT! A great gesture! You are unbelievable person!
Only many, many gentle things can be expected from you!!! The
miracle of both the days will hardly happen for me again (unless Lucy
decides to come to Bulgaria!). But all these experiences are
engraved in my memory and they will stand there forever!!! God
bless Lucy, my gorgeous divine Queen!!!
Million kisses and hugs to Lucy!!!
I'd like to add my sincere thanks to Lucy for this rare
opportunity. That was something really amazing and so very kind
of Lucy to share an hour of her time with us. I loved every
minute of it and will have that pic to remind me of it forever, thanks
again to Lucy's thoughtfulness. Add to it the fact that I didn't
know I was going until the day itself, a few hours before the
show. The thing is, I work at the Brazilian Embassy in
Australia and will soon have to move to another posting. So my
friends in Canberra (the Canberra Xena Gang girls) decided to give me
a farewell gift. And what a gift, man!!! Is this
Xenite love, or what??? Without my knowledge, they bid for
one of the meet and greet tickets and had another
friend hand me the gift on that Saturday, a few hours before the
meetup. I almost fainted! I was so gobsmacked that I
was totally speechless. And when I told Lucy my name, she was
like (add Lucy's goofy face here) "Oh, oh . . . I know what I'm gonna
sing to you . . ." And then she started singing Eric
Clapton's Layla song, "Leeeeeeeeilaaaaaaaaaaa . . . got me on my knees,
Leilaaa . . ." (I got a personalized song!!!) Oh man. I'm
surprised I did not drop down on my knees myself right
then. Geesh. Thank you so much for a wonderful hour and two
incredible shows!
A fantastic opportunity to be with my all time favorite singer and
entertainer, who is always amazing, awe-inspiring, and never fails to
leave a big smile on my face. I'd highly recommend this fabulous
experience to anyone in the future. Thank you so much to all of
you at Creation Entertainment who made this tremendous experience
possible. Last, but certainly not least, my greatest thanks goes
to Lucy Lawless for always being so generous, gracious, and kind to her
many adoring fans.
Heather Spurlin
If I was actually able to speak I would have thanked Lucy for being
kind enough to give us the chance to get our pictures taken with
her. I was just enjoying hearing the songs in a more relaxed
setting before the craziness of one of the best concerts I have been to
but I don't think I will ever be able to listen to "Bitch" in quite the
same way again. Once again totally brilliant experience
and a memory to share and treasure with some of the other lucky
winners and other convention friends and it is thanks to Lucy. My
sister came to one day of the convention and she was so surprised
how friendly everyone was and how it is really more about meeting
people that you have at least one thing in common with than
anything else. She finally understands why I flew all those miles
from England to Burbank, New Jersey and Chicago last year and
why I will continue to do so. Probably the best weekend I have
had and it all happened my side of the pond.
(If anyone wrote me a message for
this section and it isn't included, please drop me a line.)