
Art by David Reddick
NOTE: This schedule is highly tentative but for those traveling in we wanted to give you an idea of the schedule. Please check back here towards the end of the week for any updates/changes.
Friday December 3, 2010
Creation's Free Retail Sci-Fi Marketplace 4 pm to 8pm
Vendors Set-Up 1pm to 4pm
Open to Customers: 4 pm to 8pm
Saturday December 4, 2010
Creation Entertainment's Official STAR TREK Convention
Vendors Set-Up 10 am to Noon
Gold Pre-Registration 11:30 am to Noon
Vendors Room Open Noon to 6 pm
Preferred Weekend Pre-Registration Noon to 12:15 pm
Registration Open to All: 12:15 pm to 6 pm
Theatre Open 12:40 pm to 6 pm
1:00 pm Music Video Open
1:05 pm Max Grodenchik (Rom)
1:45 pm Music Video Salute to Star Trek
1:50 pm Lunch with The Klingons: Martok and Gowron in person enliven this special event: share the fun with fellow fans and enjoy this once in a lifetime attraction! Not included in any ticket packages, seatings are $39 at registration
1:50 pm The Star Trek Yes/No Trivia Competition: Here's your chance to win $1750 in gift certificates by knowing it all about all things Star Trek! Be in the audience to participate!
2:20 pm Music Video Salute
2:25 pm Original Series Blooper Reels
2:45 pm Music Video Salutes
2:55 pm J G Hertzler as Martok and Robert O'Reilly as Gowron
3:35 pm Intermission/Stage Reset
3:40 pm Photo Ops with Martok (as played by JG Hertzler) Tickets at registration for $40
3:45 pm Photo Ops with Martok and Gowron and YOU!, tickets at registration for $69
3:55 pm Photo Ops with Gowron (as played by Robert O'Reilly), tickets at registration for $40
4:00 pm Photo Ops with Max Grodenchik, tickets at registration for $30
4:05 pm The Star Trek and Sci-Fi No Minimum Bid Auction: tons of super-cool collectibles, including our famous banners, all up for grabs at great bargain prices in this fast paced event!
4:45 pm Music Video Salute
4:50 pm BarBara Luna (Lt. Marlena Moreau in the classic Star Trek episode "Mirror, Mirror")
5:25 pm Photo Ops with "THE STAR TREK RAT PACK AND YOU!"
All in their tuxes, get this super-cool photo of Casey Biggs, Jeffrey Combs, Vaughn Armstrong, Max Grodenchik and YOU! Tickets at registration for $59
5:25 pm STAR TREK MEMORIES: The Classic Cast
Take some time to reminisce about the stars we grew up with and learn what William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, Nichelle Nichols, George Takei, Walter Koenig, and Grace Lee Whitney are up to today!
6:05 pm Autographs with JG Hertzler, Robert O'Reilly all complimentary for Gold Weekend and Preferred Weekend Patrons (we will call by row) followed by those with autograph tickets, available at registration for $15 for each star.
NOTE: Max Grodenchik will be in the vendors room at various times during the day to meet fans and offer his autograph. Autograph tickets for Max are available at registration for $15. Originally Max's autograph was part of Gold and Preferred Weekend, but we are instead giving all Gold and Preferred Weekend Patrons $40 in pre-signed autographed photos instead. You will get those when you arrive at registration.
8 pm "The Star Trek Rat Pack" Musical Comedy Performance
Music and song parody stylings written by Max Grodenchik, and starring Max, Armin Shimerman, Jeffrey Combs, Casey Biggs and Vaughn Armstrong! Not to be missed, complimentary for our Gold Weekend Patrons, for all others general admission is $15 a ticket.
Another way that fans can show off their love of the shows we're honoring is by entering our famous themed CENTERPIECE CONTEST! This event takes place at our DESSERT PARTY (Saturday Evening) and is for Gold Members attending the event this weekend! Create the very best centerpiece that touches the hearts of our judges and the themes of the convention and you might just win a special $250 Gift Certificate! Just be "GOLD" and bring your entry to the party and that's all it takes to enter!
Sunday December 5, 2010
10:45 am to 11:00 am Vendors Room Set-Up/Vendors Only
11:00 am Music Video Open
11:05 am Vaughn Armstrong (Enterprise's Admiral Maxwell Forrest, Voyager's Alpha-Hirogen, Star Trek Deep Space Nine's Seskai)
11:45 am Music Video Salute to Star Trek
11:50 am Jeffrey Combs (Enterprise's Shran and DS9's Weyoun)
12:30 pm Star Trek Trivia Game: "Stump The Experts" here's your chance to win valuable prizes and gift certificates by stumping our panel of Trek know-it-alls! Be in the audience to participate please!
1:00 pm Star Trek Music Video
1:05 pm Bobby Clarke ("The Gorn" as well as appearances in "The Apple", "The Return of The Archons" and "Mirror, Mirror")
1:35 pm Star Trek Music Video
1:40 pm Casey Biggs (Damar)
2:20 pm ALIEN WORLDS: Real and Imagined with Inge Heyer With new and more sensitive technology it has finally become possibly to search for planets around other stars. Since the age of science fiction people have imagined what other worlds might look like, now we can at least infer some of their characteristics. It won't be long until we will be able to take pictures. What are these worlds like? Can we compare them to our planets? And if there should be life on these worlds, how might it perceive the Universe? We will go on a journey, both fanciful and very real, to see what we have found in our search for alien worlds.
3:00 pm Costume Competition with $250 first prize! Come dressed as your favorite Trek character or come to watch and applaud the contestants: contestants please be in the theatre at 3:00 pm, no need to sign up first. Everyone who enters wins a prize!
3:20 pm Music Video salute
An Original Science Fiction Adventure Created by Brett Botbyl, this exciting performance tells the story of the crew of space station Praemos over the planet Aragos. The station is the first of its kind - a starting place for the advancement of interplanetary trade with neighboring worlds. Formally enemies. the people of Aragos have come together in hopes of discovering the origin of their world and building a peaceful future. As exploration broadens the skies, hope is renewed when a galactic federation from across the galaxy reaches out a hand of peace. Theatricus is premiering THE GHOSTS OF ARAGOS at the Hawaii Entertainment Expo - Experience Nov 13, 14 in Honolulu.
Check out this special half hour preview presentation!
4:05 pm Intermission/Stage Reset
4:05 pm Photo Ops with Casey Biggs, tickets at registration for $30
4:10 pm Photo Ops with Vaughn Armstrong, tickets at registration for $30
4:15 pm Photo Ops with Jeffrey Combs, tickets at registration for $30
4:20 pm Photo Ops with Max Grodenchik, tickets at registration for $30
4:25 pm Photo Ops with The Quark Family: YOU with Armin Shimerman and Max Grodenchik, tickets at registration for $59
4:30 pm Photo Ops with Armin Shimerman, tickets at registration for $30
4:35 pm The 2nd Creation Star Trek and Sci-Fi Media No Minimum Bid Auction: The last chance to grab fast-paced bargains in special rare Trek/genre products and collectibles!
5:15 pm Armin Shimerman (Quark)
5:45 pm Armin and Max Grodenchik: The Quark Family Reunited!
6:15 pm Music Video
6:20 pm Autographs with Armin Shimerman, Vaughn Armstrong, Jeffrey Combs and Casey Biggs, complimentary for Gold Weekend and Preferred Weekend Patrons (we will call row by row) followed by those with autograph tickets, available at registration for $20 for Armin and $15 for the others! (we will call these by number).
NOTE: Max Grodenchik will be in the vendors room at various times during the day to meet fans and offer his autograph. Autograph tickets for Max are available at registration for $15.
All guests and scheduling is tentative
and subject to change.
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